Flute Lessons
Year 5 Music 2024
Year 5 have a flautist from MAPAS coming in every Thursday to teach them flute. She is fantastic and the children really look forward to learning music. They were taught the flute in Year 3 and are making progress with their learning this year. Keep practising.
Y5 playing Jingle Bells

In music, Year 3 and Year 5 are learning to play the Flute! Every Monday, our two classes are taught by a specialist MAPAS teacher. The children have been given flutes to practise and engage with at home to progress even further.
Year 3 🎶
Spring Term
Take 2

Take 1

Secret Life of Pets- take 1🎵

Eye of the Tiger🐅
Take 1

Jamaican 9 to 5🎺
What a great start to the new year! We have been practising a brand new piece of music to perform👍
Take 1

Autumn Term
Jingle Bells🔔
Because it is December we are learning to play Jingle Bells with the notes we have learnt- A B C G 🎼
Take 1

We will Rock You🎸
We are learning to perform ‘We will Rock you’ using our voices and flutes. Here is our progress:
Take 1

Take 2

Take 3

We have progressed to quickly to using the notes we have learnt🎶

Quicker speed🎼

The Ugly Bug Ball🐛

During Autumn 1 Year 3 have been learning to sing and perform “The Ugly Bug Ball”.
Autumn 1 progress🎼
We have made fantastic progress this half term, learning to blow on our head joints, learning to put our flutes together, learning new notes and learning to change from one note to another!

Year 5 🎵
March 2022
Secret Life of Pets
March 2022
