Week 5 (Sacrament of the Sick for those who are very ill)
The Church names two Sacraments as Sacraments of Healing; the Sacrament of Reconciliation and of the Anointing of the Sick. They are not healing in the sense of making a person physically better, but spiritual healing, or helping them feel closer to God and better in themselves.
Read about the Sacrament of the anointing of the sick and the Litany Prayer below, then read through the Powerpoint which takes you through the stages of the anointing of the sick.
Consider these questions while reading through and note some answers during your reading and after.
- In what way does the Anointing of the Sick heal a person?
- What is important about a person being anointed at a gathering of the parish family?
- How do you think the priest feels as he administers this Sacrament?
- Why do you think the hands and forehead of the person are anointed?
- What words of comfort and hope did you notice in the prayers?
Independent writing task
When you have read through everything I want you to write a diary entry of you watching someone receive the sacrament of the anointing of the sick. Include all the details of the important stages of the sacrament and say how you feel and maybe how the person receiving the sacrament feels too.