Week 1 - 5 Jan (BODMAS and Reasoning)
This week we will be learning about the Order of Operations also known as BODMAS, which we have already learned a little bit about this year. We will also learn about Mental Calculations and Estimation and how to Reason from known facts.
We will follow the same procedure as last time where you will have a video lesson to watch from White Rose Maths, which you will need to pause at moments and then proceed to a worksheet at the end.
You will use your Math Homework book to complete your work.
You do not need to print out the worksheet unless you want to. You can simply write the answers to the questions (please show the question number and letter when answering).
If you are struggling with any questions - first go back to the video and check that but then try again. If you are still struggling after this, you can put a comment on the Class Blog and I will try to help you.
Good luck! Keep learning!
Mr Martin
Tuesday 5 January 2021 - Order of Operations (BODMAS)
Wednesday 6 January 2021 - Mental Calculations and Estimation
Thursday 7 January 2021 - Reason from known facts
Answer to Q4
Explanation for the answer to Question 4
Check for understanding
Now that I've added a further explanation and the answer to Question 4, why not check if you understand it again by attempting these questions.
46 x 8 = 368
46 x 9 = ?
47 x 8 = ?
57 x 4 = 228
57 x 5 = ?
58 x 4 = ?
Friday 8 January 2021 - Special Delivery Winter Math Activities
For the Special Delivery Winter Math Activities you can either watch the video (pausing when asked so that you can complete the activity) or use the Powerpoint (not moving on to the next slide until you have completed the activity.
Have fun!