Tuesday 22nd September
Please find Tuesday’s home learning. You have Literacy, Numeracy and Science to do today.
For Literacy I would like you to keep learning your spelling words and put each word into a sentence with a capital letter and a full stop. It would be great if you could add in a describing word for each sentence too.
For Numeracy I would like you to complete the worksheet and if you finish try counting in 2’s forward and backwards to 20, 50 or even 100. See how far you can go and write the answers down.
For Science I would like you to look at the pictures of materials. Now look at the 8 words underneath which are the properties of materials and try to find an example of something around your home that has the same property . For example, your bedroom window is transparent. Your coat or umbrella might be waterproof .
Don’t forget to read your reading book from school and keep safe and happy.
See you all very soon.
Miss Grady