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St Gilbert's R.C.

Primary School

Inspired by St. Gilbert, as God's family, we are growing strong in love and faith, becoming the best we can be.



Geography at St Gilbert's aims to inspire pupils through a variety of experiences so they can learn and acquire  knowledge, skills and understanding  through the  diverse world and culture in which they live.  The children at St. Gilbert's will become true Geographers  when they  can use geographical vocabulary to explain their world; enquire about the world in which they live; understand and learn how to take care of their environment and appreciate the wonderful world and people God has made. Children will be encouraged to take part in outdoor learning and field study activities to learn about their society and how to work in groups.






Geographical Association 

St Gilberts are now part of the Geographical Association. They are an organisation that connect teachers and inspire the learning of Geography. 





Useful Websites 

Below are some useful websites to use and become familiar with the world around you. Have fun !

Each class has  login details to go on ODDIZZI. This fantastic website encourages children to learn about other countries around the world. 


This club took place in Autumn 2. The children researched about countries that were not in Europe. These included Japan, Nigeria, Jamaica, Surinam, Ghana, Korea as well as others. They presented these as fact files and drew flags. We also spent a session doing orienteering which helped with map reading. We planted spinach seeds in our polytunnel, did some food tasting of foods from around the world and made weather equipment for setting up a weather station.

Earth Day

St Gilberts is helping to save the planet. Earth Day was celebrated on April 22nd and the theme was “Planet” vs. “Plastics” . The Eco Warriors were responsible for telling their class all about Earth Day. Classes did some writing and made headbands.


Forest School


Year 5 are enjoying being outdoor and close to nature. They have been busy den building this week.

Year 4 Geography topic is France. All the children did fantastic research about this country.

Eco Warriors of 2023 to 2024 

Our Eco Warriors clearing the leaves on the EYFS grounds. They were great role models.

Year 3

Year 3 have been exploring where different Volcanoes can be found all over the world. We used atlas’ to get a closer look at different continents too!

Today we labeled the features of our completed model of a Volcano! We have drawn a cross sections to explain what is going on inside a volcano and used paper mache to build the outside. Painting them was fun toolaugh

Year 2

Year 2 have been looking at local landmarks and tried to design their own floor plans and put together a Trafford Centre floor plan too.


The Reception children were trying to understand the world and worked on activities related to a book they had read called The Lighthouse Keeper’s Lunch. They were very engrossed with their learning especially when they found a bottle with a note inside.smiley


Nursery children have been learning about hot and cold countries and talked about what they might take with them on holiday. 

Queen’s Green Canopy

Geography in Spring 2


Our children had great instructors and learned how to be safe on the roads and they learned about the environmental health and benefits of cycling.


St Gilbert's children are privileged to have a polytunnel to grow their own foods. The Royal Horticultural Society (RHS) says that there are great benefits to gardening and they are the 3 Rs : 

  • Ready to learn
  • Resilient 
  • Responsible

Here are some  plants that were planted last year .

Can you name the plant?


St Gilberts are in involved in WOW - for another year round walk to school challenge !!!

Every class records and tracks how each pupil comes to school and at the end of each half term the pupil can earn a badge if they have walked, cycled, scootered or parked and stride to school.

WOW | The walk to school challenge !

WOW is Living Streets' flagship year-round walk to school challenge. WOW is a pupil-led initiative where children self-report how they get to school every da...


We went on a nature walk to Winton Park today. We collected our own natural treasures in egg boxes and completed some bark rubbings too!


Year 3 have been involved in taster sessions in Forest School - Winton. This is learning outside the classroom. 

Year 2 Continents Song

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During Spring 2, Year 3 have been working really hard on learning all about Earthquakes! They are especially proud of our newspaper articles about the earthquake in Haiti 🇭🇹 


Ask your child what they would of an earthquake happened? 

Year 3 looked at the effects the earthquakes have had on both the land and people. We have explored ‘Shelter Box’ and how they help people across the world. Finally, we were set a challenge of creating a building that could withstand an earthquake. The team that had the tallest ‘earthquake safe’ building were the winners. These geography models aim to look at how sturdy different buildings are during earthquakes. The Jelly represents the soft, shaking ground and the buildings are made from toothpicks and mini marshmallows. A little shaking of the tray enabled us to see how strong our homes are.


Fabulous effort this term learning about the United Kingdom. The children have been exploring their home with their atlas’s too!

Do you know what the difference is between the British Isles and the UK? 



COP26 is the  all important climate change conference taking place  in Glasgow from 6th Nov to 12th Nov. The world leaders who are meeting to discuss environmental issues have a very difficult job to try and restore the earth. 

So lets pray for them. 


Year 6 talk about Cop 26

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Geography taking place around school

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