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St Gilbert's R.C.

Primary School

Inspired by St. Gilbert, as God's family, we are growing strong in love and faith, becoming the best we can be.

Arts Passport

Arts Passport


At St. Gilbert’s, we believe that the arts are incredibly important. The ‘arts’ include art, D&T, drama, dance and music as well as many other subject areas. We really value these subject areas as they help children to develop creativity, problem-solving skills, confidence and can also support with children’s mental health and wellbeing.


As part of our strong belief in the arts, we will be continuing to run clubs, and will be introducing competitions as well as an exciting new initiative called our ‘Arts Passport’.


The Arts Passport has been designed to encourage our pupils to increase participation in more arts-related activities. As we value these highly, they have been professionally printed for each child and they will be able to bring these home at the end of the school year. Each time your child takes part in one of the activities, they should bring in evidence to show that they have completed it (i.e. a theatre programme, a dance medal, a photograph). This will then be signed off and a special sticker will be placed in the appropriate place in the special booklet. All activities can be completed at school or at home so if, for example, your child’s class go to see a theatre show, go to the library or go to a museum, they will receive a sticker and signature. We have tried to be mindful of costs with the passport so that most of the activities on there are free.


At the end of the school year, completed passports will be celebrated with additional activities and rewards and there will be an opportunity to win a fabulous voucher for the Lowry.


These passports will be kept in school but we are enclosing a home copy for you to work on, so that you can plan your visits and trips and exciting art adventures with your child!

Please note that we are happy to sign for activities that have been completed since September 2022 as long as evidence of the visit has been provided (photographs, tickets, theatre programmes etc.)


We are very excited to launch this into school and are really looking forward to seeing all of the wonderful arts-related activities that the children get up to!


Thank you for your support,

Mrs. Winterhalder


*Please click on the pdf below to view the arts passport*


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