At St Gilbert's we primarily teach music through a program called Charanga. We also give children the opportunity to learn an instrument. We are currently teaching recorder to our year 2 children and flute to year 3 and year 5. The children from year 3 upwards have the opportunity to access music tuition and learn to play the guitar they are also invited to attend the choir each week and through this, they can take part in events such as the Young Voices!
Young Voices 2024







Reception have had a great time this week. We’ve been on a bear hunt, made bear hunt story maps and performed ‘We’re Going on a Bear Hunt’ with instruments!
Long, wavy grass

Deep, cold river

Thick, oozy mud

Big, dark forest

Swirling, whirling snowstorm

Narrow, gloomy cave

Y2: Learning to play the recorder

A talented Year 2 pupil

Year 4 playing DEECEE from Charanga.

Black History Month
Across the school all the children have been celebrating Black History Month by learning about an inspirational black person. The EYFS children were introduced to the fascinating life of Ella Fitzgerald. Nursery listened to a story all about her dreams as a young child to become a singer, they then listened to some of her songs and music which they enjoyed dancing along to and then made their own musical instrument.

Useful Websites
Below is a list of websites that you might find fun and useful. It includes online games, fun places to go and information.
Online activities: