Year 5
Hello everyone
There is a link below to all the Home Learning for Year 5. The newest activities are at the top of the page. I am putting daily tasks on the school blog. Click on Year 5 or Miss French on the right hand side
Miss French
Welcome to Year 5 where we work hard and have lots of fun!
Art update. We created poppy pictures in memory of all those who have died during wars both past and present.
We have enjoyed learning about our human rights and discussing the articles on UNICEF's convention
Design & Technology update. We have been building different types of structures using various materials. We found out that the strength of any structure is determined by a number of factors.
Music update. We are learning to play the flute this year. We have some very talented musicians.
Science update. We set up our very own circulation system to represent what happens inside our bodies when we breathe. We studied the transportation of oxygenated and deoxygenated blood.
P.E update. We have been learning how to perform various balances.
Maths update. Well done to Kyra - the first person to solve Jigsaw Sudoku!
Science update. We carried out an investigation into the effect of exercise on our pulse rate. We understand the importance of looking after our heart.
Religious Education update. We had a discussion about our God-given gifts, qualities and talents. Lainie wanted to sing us a song from her favourite book/film Matilda!
Practising our French language skills

We have been writing stories which focus on building suspense and tension. Maxx's stories are truly terrifying!
Science update. We had great fun measuring our lung capacity in Science!

Who had the largest lung capacity?