- Pairing socks (talk about the sock patterns and match them)
- Playing Snakes & Ladders
- Talk about the size of objects (large, big, tall, medium, small, tiny, short)
- Practise filling containers in the bath (full, nearly full, half full, nearly empty, empty)
- Write numbers on pegs and ask children to order them
- Order numbers 0-20 in a line then ask 'what is one more than...?' or 'what is one less than...?' (see pack sent home for number cards)
- Measure ingredients to help with baking (cup measurements are best)
- Sing number songs e.g. five currant buns, five speckled frogs (you can find these on YouTube)
- Sort toys by colour or shape
- Sort coins by colour, size or amount
- Use blocks or other household objects to create shapes and talk about their properties (e.g. how many sides, how many corners etc.)
- Build towers with blocks or Lego (ask how many blocks have you used? Can you use the same amount of blocks to build a different tower?)
- Make a bowling game with empty plastic bottles (ask how many did you knock over)
- Count objects in the house
- Add and subtract simple 1 digit numbers (numbers 1-9) using objects
- Share amounts of objects/ share an orange equally/ split an apple in half/ double amounts of objects