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St Gilbert's R.C.

Primary School

Inspired by St. Gilbert, as God's family, we are growing strong in love and faith, becoming the best we can be.

Year 2

Photos from home

Purple Mash Tasks: Pointillism and Mondrian Designs

Well done to the children who have completed the Purple Mash computing projects. These pictures are great!

Cress Seeds

When we were guessing where different seeds come from last week, most of us had never heard of cress so we planted some cress seeds of our own. Now they are at home so keep the soil damp and watch them grow. (Don’t drown them!)


We went in the poly tunnel to plant tomato seeds with Duncan the gardener. Our seeds need to be kept warm for a while in a propagator and then planted in beds in the poly tunnel. We are looking forward to seeing them grow. 

We also looked at the cherry tree which is beginning to show buds.

An afternoon of opera!

At The Lowry Theatre we saw a special performance of an opera for children. It was ‘Green Eggs & Ham,’ based on the Dr. Seuss book. We also learned about all the instruments in the orchestra. 
We all look fabulous, dressed up for World Book Day. Can you guess our book characters?

Ecobrick winners treat!

Potato Planting

We have been planting seed potatoes in the polytunnel with Duncan the gardener. We planted three potatoes in compost. We added some fertiliser and then watered them. In three months they will be moved outside and a month later they will be ready to harvest. We will keep an eye on how they are growing. We also saw a lovely cherry tree. We look forward to seeing this grow too. 
We all dressed up in our numbers for Number Day. As well as raising money for the NSPCC we had lots of fun doing number activities.

Times Tables Winner

This half-term we won the local catholic schools cluster times tables challenge! Well done Year 2!
Year 2 have made fantastic progress in gymnastics lessons this half-term. They have grown in skill and confidence and performed some brilliant patterns on the apparatus.

Science: Looking for micro-habitats around school

In Science we are studying living things and their habitats. We are looking particularly at animal habitats. We walked around school to look for micro-habitats. We found creatures living in the prayer garden, on trees, under tyres and in the soil.

D.T. Food from around the world: Anzac Biscuits ( Australia)

Food from around the world: Sweet potato cookies (South Africa)

Food from around the world: Tacos (South America)

Food from around the world: Asian fruit salad

Food from around the world: Ratatouille (Europe)

To link in with our Geography topic of Oceans & Continents, in D.T. we are learning about food from around the world and how to make some healthy snacks and meals. Our first recipe was for ratatouille from France. Next we made Asian fruit salad. Looking at South America we chose tacos and used healthy fillings. Using a South African recipe we then made sweet potato cookies. Finally we made Anzac biscuits which originate from Australia. They were delicious!

Geography:The Continents

Still image for this video
We are learning about the continents of the world.

Christmas Party Fun