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St Gilbert's R.C.

Primary School

Inspired by St. Gilbert, as God's family, we are growing strong in love and faith, becoming the best we can be.


Spring 1

Week 4

We had lots of fun learning about Lunar New Year this week. We dressed up for our special celebration day and were really interested in learning the story of the zodiac as well as the special celebrations that people who celebrate take part in (cleaning the house, wearing new clothes, eating special food etc.). We watched some traditional dragon and lion dances then did our own dragon dances. We made dragon puppets, paper lanterns, painted pictures of the cherry blossom, played with small world zodiac animals, completed a 'cross the river' obstacle challenge and much more. Thank you to everyone for all of the effort you put into the children's costumes. Thank you also to Pippa and her family for the paper envelopes and tasty treats for all of the children!


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Still image for this video


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Still image for this video


Still image for this video

Week 3

This week we have begun learning about measurements. We started with measuring weight and capacity. The children all worked really well to develop their understanding of the different mathematical vocabulary used to describe the different measurements. 

Week 1

The children have all made a great start back to school after the holidays. It has been wonderful to see them ready and eager to learn. We’ve begun our new Castles topic and the children have been completing some challenges around this in the different areas of the classroom. We also really enjoyed spending some time outside in the snowy, frosty weather. 

Autumn 2

Week 8

We had a wonderful last week of the half term. We completed lots of Christmas activities, enjoyed our Christmas party, took part in the Christmas singalong, spent time with our y6 buddies, tasted different traditional Christmas foods from around the world and much more. We are all very excited for Christmas!

Week 7

We’ve had a lovely week, getting in the festive spirit. On Monday, we performed our Nativity in front of the whole school and on Tuesday, we performed it for our parents. Everyone was fantastic, it was a great success! On Wednesday, we enjoyed eating our Christmas dinner together. 

We have had fun completing different challenges including making Christmas wreaths in the playdough, building snowmen with the construction blocks, writing the cvc words we can see and painting winter trees inside the lines. 

Week 6

We have had such a wonderful surprise this week! When we came into the classroom after lunch on Tuesday, our classroom whiteboard had been wrapped up with paper and tinsel!! When we ripped it off, we discovered that Santa was behind it with a special message for us. He said that Holly and Snowflake, our class elves had wrapped up the screen. He asked us what we want for Christmas and everyone was very excited to share. Later on, we received a delivery from Santa which was the book ‘Dear Santa’. We have started to learn this as part of our talk for writing! We also all worked together to decorate our class Christmas tree. Everyone got involved and it was wonderful to see the fantastic teamwork!

We have had a lot more challenges to complete this week. In our play dough area, we were challenged to create a 3D Christmas tree. They all looked amazing! We completed hot chocolate counting with marshmallows (mini pom poms), we wrote CVC words in hot chocolate powder, we investigated and explored Christmas ice, we made our own Christmas cards, made Christmas trees in the construction and painted snowflakes made out of filter paper. We talked about what happened as we painted them.

Everyone enjoyed taking part in the Santa Dash!! We sang Christmas songs as we ran around too!

Week 5

We were very lucky to have a visit from Mr Stix and Peanut this week. They performed a fantastic magic show for all of the early years children. We absolutely loved it!!

We’ve been completing lots of activities and challenges this week. During our trip to the RHS, the children were really interested in the fungi so we developed this in our learning. W learnt about different mushrooms, completed observational drawings of them and created our own clay fungi. The children are really starting to develop their skills when using clay too. 

We also had a special liturgy session with a visitor where we listened to the story of the Lost Sheep and talk about what we are grateful for. 

Week 4

It was Parsley’s birthday this week. We had a great time celebrating. We sang happy birthday and enjoyed the birthday cake that Parsley brought in to share. We made birthday cards, role-played a birthday party and completed lots of birthday themed phonics and maths activities. 

Week 3

We spent time this week reflecting on Remembrance Day and talked about why this day exists. We created poppy crafts and read some poetry. We also took part in lots of Pudsey activities for Children in Need. 

We have completed lots of other activities in class, including phonics challenges, leaf art and some maths counting challenges. We also continued our learning on repeating patterns.