Week 2 (Wonder - First Person Narrative)
This week we will be writing a first person narrative character profile based on the first chapter of our class book Wonder by R.J. Palacio.
We will learn how to:
- Answer questions about a text
- Use a colon correctly (to start a list and separate two independent clauses)
- Summarise a text by identifying key themes, words and phrases
- Plan a piece of writing by noting initial ideas and key words
- Write at length, building up stamina for writing
- Proof-read a piece of writing for spelling and punctuation errors
- Evaluate and edit a piece of writing by proposing changes to improve it
I can't wait to read your stories!
Monday - Wonder (Chapter 2) Comprehension
Tuesday - How to use a colon
Colon questions
Wednesday - Summarising a text
We will learn how to summarise each paragraph by identifying the key words, phrases and themes.
We will annotate the text once we have identified the key words.
The themes for each paragraph are:
Paragraph 1 - likes; how people see him
Paragraph 2 - if I had wishes
Paragraph 3 - story (anecdote) about sister
Paragraph 4 - how his family see him
This will form the structure for our piece of writing.
Thursday - Plan for writing
Today we will plan for writing using the plan above.
We will add key phrases and words to our plan that we will turn into complete sentences when we come to write our story.
We will use our own original ideas but use the chapter from Wonder as inspiration.