Week 4 - 28 January (Climate Zones and Biomes)
Thursday 28 January 2021
L.O. Describe and understand the Biomes and climate of the Americas
Following on from our learning last week about longitude and latitude, we will learn more this week about the link between these areas of the planet and the weather (or climate).
I have a teacher slideshow PDF and video formats for you to use. Read through one of these before completing the activities.
The tasks you will need to complete are these:
1. Read or watch presentation.
2. Read Koppen System Information sheet.
3. Complete Climates of Americas sheet (you only need to complete one of the two sheets - one is easier than the other).
4. Complete Preparing for the Weather Activity Sheet (using the Koppen Systems Information Sheet to help you).
*You can still complete the activities without printing the sheets - just copy what you can into your books*
There is quite a lot to get through for Geography today so do your best to attempt it all.
Happy travelling!
Lesson Presentation Weather and Climate.mp4