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St Gilbert's R.C.

Primary School

Inspired by St. Gilbert, as God's family, we are growing strong in love and faith, becoming the best we can be.

Year 1

Year 1 Eco Warriors

Year 1 School Council

Phonic Screening Check 


Our Phonic Screening Check is coming up during our first week back in school. 

Please revise all sounds daily and use all of the resources sent home to support during the school holidays. 

Thankyou for your continued support. 

Instructions - Jam Sandwiches


Joseph Penny

Maths - Direction

Computing - Numbots

Our Collective Worship

Fundraising Challenge - Paralympian sports activity

Our 3D Sculptures

Maths - Investigating Numbers

Science - Investigating Materials (Building houses)

Please have a look on our class information page at the updated timetable for the Spring term. 

Our PE days have changed. We will now be doing PE on a Tuesday and a Thursday. 



Science - Animals Including Humans

Maths - Finding a part

RE - Mary, Mother of God - Role play

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