Physical Education
Physical Education covers the areas of dance, gymnastics, games, swimming and fitness. The children are taught to develop their own physical abilities and skills. We encourage healthy attitude and lifestyle alongside physical activities.
Children will have opportunity to take part in sporting activities as an extra curricular activity throughout the school year.
All children require their P.E kit to be available in school. The kit is a blue t- shirt and black shorts or black jogging bottoms (especially in the winter). All kit should be labelled with the child's name.
Sports for School update
We have been waiting for all of the sponsor money to be collected, counted and added to our online donations. The total monies raised will be published in the newsletter week beginning 8th July and prizes will be distributed too. Thank you for you patience.
Sports Day
What a great day the children had taking part in all of the different sporting activities. Thank you to all of the grown-ups that could come and watch and to all of our helpers from St Patrick's High School for making the afternoon run smoothly.
Congratulations to the winning team St Andrew's for collecting the most team points.
Sports for School
What a great afternoon we had with Antony and Nakita. All of the children had lots of fun! Thank you to Antony for being a great inspiration and sharing your story with us.
I would also like to say a huge thank you for all of your generous sponsor money. We are going to use all of the monies raised to buy new PE equipment.

Tennis Cluster Competition
Some of our Year 3 children were chosen to compete in a cluster competition, against other schools in our local area. The children represented our school well and thoroughly enjoyed the competition.
Sports For Schools
GB Athletes who inspire kids
We are excited to announce that on Tuesday 21st May 2024 we will be receiving a visit from the GB Paralympian Antony Cotterill. Antony Cotterill will be leading a sponsored fun fitness circuit for the children to take part in, followed by a motivational speech and a question and answer session.
The money raised will be used to buy new equipment to help continue to increase the physical activity in our school and to help support GB athletes to inspire the next generation.
Please ensure that your child has their PE kit in school on this day as they will need to wear it for this event.
Thank you in advance for your support.
Gymnastics Competition
Well done to the Year 4 and Year 6 children who took part in the Gymnastics Competition at Manchester Gymnastics Academy on Monday. The children were amazing and we are really proud of them all for all of their hard work and the determination that they showed.

Thank you to all of our runners today who turned up despite the horrendous weather.
Cross Country Information
Buile Hill Park, Eccles Old Road, Salford, M6 8GL
Race Times as Follows:
Year 3 and 4 boys 9.30am
Year 3 and 4 girls 9.40am
Year 5 and 6 boys 9.50am
Year 5 and 6 girls 10.10am
A member of staff will be opposite Buile Hill Mansion waiting to give you a running vest and to collect your ticket after the race.
The is no parking at the venue.
Well done to some of our year 5 and 6 children who took part a dodgeball competition this week. You all worked well as a team and shown great resilience.
Sports Day
What a great day we had, packed full of sporting activities and lots of fun.
Salford Athletics
We would like to congratulate all of the Year 5 and 6 pupil who took part in the Salford Athletics Competition. You made us extremely proud and represented our school brilliantly. A special mention to Freya who won a gold medal in the 60m sprint.
Mrs Gilmore- P.E Specialist from Salford Schools Sports Partnership
This half term Mrs Gilmore is working with our Year 3 and 4 children. They are all excited to learn lots of new ball skills and techniques.
Year 4 learning new Netball skills and techniques with Mrs Gilmore.

Year 2: Specialist lessons with Mrs. Gilmore

Well done to all of the children that attended Cross Country this weekend! It was a very chilly morning!
Well done to all of those children that entered the first Cross Country event this weekend. We are extremely proud of your efforts. I look forward to seeing you all again next weekend!

Cross Country Information
Buile Hill Park, Eccles Old Road, Salford, M6 8GL
Race Times are as follows:
Year 3 and 4 boys 9.30am
Year 3 and 4 girls 9.40am
Year 5 and 6 boys 9.50am
Year 5 and 6 girls 10.10am
Gymnastics After School Club.
Year 3 and 4 performed all that they had learned this term. Take a look at their moves.
Write Dance
Reception have really enjoyed their write dance lessons this half term. Each session we start out by using our own movements to dance to a piece of music, we then use gross motor movements to complete a dance before using the same movements on a smaller scale to mark make in different mediums, such as chalk, crayons and shaving foam!


Black History Month-Sporting Heroes
Different classes have been celebrating the amazing talents of our sporting heroes. These include; Sir Mo Farah, Marcus Rashford and Jesse Owens.
Mrs Gilmore-P.E Specialist from Salford Schools Sports Partnership
This half term Year 1 and 2 have had the privilege of working with Mrs Gilmore on a Wednesday afternoon. She has been teaching our KS1 children ball skills. Myself and Mrs. Killeen have been given lots of advice and support during these class sessions.
The children look forward to term 2 where Year 2 will be learning how to play frisbee and Year 1 will be completing some physical Literacy. We can't wait!