For English lessons this week we are looking at the Read Write Inc ditties. Only look at one ditty a day. Practise the sounds and reading the words. It would be great if you could also practise your handwriting. Try playing teacher with someone in your house!
Maths this week we are continuing to look at numbers to 10. We are counting forwards, backwards and adding one more. There are a few worksheets for each day - only do 1, choose the one that is right for you.
Show your parents your dance moves to our maths songs!
History this week - can you draw a picture of your extended family? Can you write underneath who is part of your family?
Art - looking at portraits. Have a look at the powerpoint and some famous portraits. Then have a go at drawing some. You could draw yourself or someone in your family.
PE this week - I saw this dance and I know how much you all love to show your moves! Why not try and film yourself for the blog having a go at Sonic Boom!
RE Lesson
We are looking at the importance of family this term - whilst you are together as a family have a talk about how love and care is shown. What do you do as a family to show love? You could perhaps draw a picture of something you do together as a family.