We learned how Jesus told his disciples to forgive people seventy-seven times!
We thought about times people can he hurtful to others, what we say, what we think, what we feel and how we can make amends. We did some role-play, we made a book of forgiveness and a pathway to forgiveness and we tried to answer the 'big question,' 'Should we always forgive people, whatever they have done?'
Today we said goodbye to Michal. We are very sad to lose such a lovely member of our class but we know he is so excited about the future. We wish him and his family all the very best. we hope that they will be very happy.
Oral Speaking Competition
Every child in Year 2 has presented a talk to the class. The subjects were very varied: holidays, football, lego, gymnastics, best day ever, Marie Curie, George Best, playing the guitar, pets, race for life, rock climbing, animals, dancing, Legoland, Beavers, karate and siphonophores! Well done to all of you!
Our potatoes are fully grown! We picked them out of the soil and they have been taken to the school kitchen to cook.
Broad bean seeds
Some of our broad bean seeds are growing so well at home!
We are watching the tadpoles growing before they are returned to the stream.
House Team Colours Day
Our class house teams ready for a fun day. Well done to St. George's team, our first half-term winner.
Treat Time
Tests done-treat time!
Tests done-treat time!
Tests done-treat time!
Gardening Club
Class representatives in Gardening Club have been planting strawberry plants.
Growing Potatoes
Our potatoes are now outside and growing well!
The Easter Hat Parade
The Easter Egg Hunt
Design Technology
We designed and made tractors with wheels and axles.
Plant Investigation
What a lovely afternoon for our Science work! We needed to investigate the plants that were growing around the school grounds. We found tulips, daffodils, tomatoes, potatoes, strawberries, ivy and many more.
Class Worship
Gianluca and Maisy prepared our class liturgy this week. We have come to the end of our topic on 'Thanksgiving.' We have talked about all the people we have to thank and how we thank them. We learned all about the different parts of The Mass and how we give thanks to God. Gianluca and Maisy made up their own prayers and invited others to join them.
Shakespeare Week
This week Year 2 have thoroughly enjoyed studying 'Hamlet,' a tragedy written by William Shakespeare. We enjoyed listening to the story and then we acted it out. It was not like the stories we are used to! There was ghosts, poisoning, killing, a duel and a pirate attack!
The Players
The pirates
The king's guards
The courtiers
The actors & the 'party people'
Hamlet, Horatio, The Ghost, Queen & King
Laertes, Polonius & Ophelia
Making Hamlet Theatre Books
Our Lenten Promises
Our Lent Tree
Sharing our Lenten promises
Talking about what we are going to do for Lent
Growing Potatoes
We went into the polytunnel to start growing our potatoes. Duncan showed us the seed potatoes which we put into the grow bag with some fertiliser. We covered them with soil and watered them. They will stay in the polytunnel for six weeks and then go outside for seven weeks. Then they will be ready for cooking!
Times Tables
Well done to the first three children to try for their 'times tables' badges!
World Book Day
Year 2 had a great day celebrating World Book Day. After a parade in the hall they enjoyed sharing books with Y6M. After break the children really enjoyed a book quiz. They competed in teams and Team 4 were the winners. Well done!
Internet Safety Day
Buddy's 'Use your tablet safely' song.
Year 2 have been learning how to keep safe when using the internet. We had a story about Buddy the dog helping Ben to keep safe on his tablet. We made Buddy masks and on the back we wrote some internet rules to take home.
NSPCC Number Day
Year 2 really enjoyed Number Day. As well as raising money for a good cause they dressed up in some great number-themed outfits. They enjoyed number activities including a walk round the school code-breaking!
We are winners!
This week (11th January) we have won the most gold coins in the school and we have the best attendance!
Science (Animal Habitats)
We started off this half-term's Science topic, 'Animal Habitats & Adaptation,' by going on a walk around the school grounds to look for plants & animals and their 'micro-habitats.' We found plants, grass, trees & bushes. We saw birds, squirrels, ladybirds, worms, beetles, woodlice and we observed nests in the trees and molehills. We didn't see the fox today or the birds of prey we sometimes see from our classroom window!
Staircase House Trip
Year 2 enjoyed a fantastic trip to Staircase House in Stockport. The morning was spent re-enacting the events of ‘The Great Fire of London.’ They learned a lot about homes at the time of the fire. Everybody dressed up and got into the roles of Samuel Pepys, King Charles, the link-boy, bakers, maids etc. In the afternoon the children learned about the beginnings of fire insurance and all made their own ‘firemark.’ They also learned how houses were built and had a go at ‘wattle& daub.’ The children were able to answer all the questions about ‘The Great Fire of London!’
R.E. (Caritas in Action)
We talked about the story of creation. Like the plants & animals God created, we are all different but God loves us all equally. We are all special. We took turns to place our photos on the globe, talking about how we are all brothers and sisters in God’s family, in God’s world. Taking part in a special circle time, we placed the globe in the middle and all had a ribbon. The ribbons were interlocked to show we are all part of God’s world, together. We really enjoyed this activity!