Wednesday 13th January 2021
LO: To know Jesus chooses people to work with him.
Jesus proclaimed God the Father’s love by what he said and did. People who followed Jesus Christ in the early Church began to be called Christians. They formed a Christian community called the Church. At the beginning of his ministry on earth, Jesus chose certain people to follow him and share in his work. They were to be apostles and would be sent out to spread the Good News.
Share with the children the story from God’s Story 3 page 90 I Have Chosen You, Mark 3: 13-19 – God chooses people to serve him today through their parish communities.
Answer these questions:
- How do you think the apostles felt when Jesus chose them to help him in his work?
- Why do you think he chose people to help him?
- What do you think the Good News is?
- Using the scripture passage write a diary entry as if you were one of the apostles being chosen. Share what it is you were called to do and say how being chosen made you feel.