White Rose Maths Daily Maths lessons can be found on this web page, keep an eye on the blog to see which work I want you to complete.
Week beginning 13.7.20
Week beginning 6.7.20
Week Beginning 29.6.20
Week Beginning 22.6.20
Week Beginning 15.6.20
Week Beginning 8.6.20
WK Beginning 18.5.20
WK Beginning 11.5.20
Times Tables Practise
- times-tables-a--CIRCLES--5-min-challenge--60-2x-5x-10-x.doc
- times-tables-a--CIRCLES--5-min-challenge--60-2x-5x-10-x-ANSWERS.doc
- times-tables-b-SQUARES--5-min-challenge--60-all-tables.doc
- times-tables-b-SQUARES---5-min-challenge--60-all-tables-ANSWERS.doc
- times-tables-c-TRIANGLES--5-min-challenge--60-inc-division.doc
- times-tables-c-TRIANGLES--5-min-challenge--60-inc-division-ANSWERS.doc
- 1 x 2.doc
- 1 x 3.doc
- 1 x 4.doc
- 1 x 5.doc
- 1 x 6.doc
- 1 x 7.doc
- 1 x 8.doc
- 1 x 9.doc
- 1 x 10.doc
- 1 x 11.doc
- 1 x 12.doc
- mixed division and multiplication all times tables harder sheet.doc
- mixed division and multiplication x2 x3 x4 x5 x10 and inverse.doc
- up to 5x10.doc
- up to 10x10.doc
- x2 x5 x10 in order.doc
- x3 x6 x9 in order.doc
- x4 x8 x7 in order.doc
- x11 x12 in order.doc
- Times tables speed test (2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10) v2.doc
- Times tables speed test (2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10) v3.doc
- Times tables speed test (2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10).doc
- Superhero-practise-book.pdf