Public Speaking Winner
Well done to Eva for winning the Nursery medal for the Public Speaking competition. You can watch Nursery perform the story of Brown Bear Brown Bear here.
Sports Day
Colour mixing
In nursery we have been preparing for Christmas. We have made advent wreaths, enjoyed retelling the Christmas story in our Bethlehem role play area and helped to paint the nativity scene.
Nursery Nativity Performance
The performance is ready to view via the link
Planting Daffodils
We had a donation of daffodil bulbs fro Morrison's supermarket in Eccles. The children enjoyed planting these in tubs for the nursery garden and each child planted one to look after at home. We look forward to watching the flowers grow.
Black History Month
Miss Handley brought in a steel pan to show the children. We found out the steel pan comes from Trinidad and Tobago and is made from old oil drums. The drums are hammered to make musical notes. Miss Handley let us have a try at playing the drum and hear the different sounds it makes. Finally we watched a YouTube video of Pantonic All Stars steel orchestra featuring Miss Handley's brother and we had a dance to the music.
Welcome to St Gilbert's
As part of their RE work, Year 2 made cards to welcome the nursery children to St Gilbert's school. The children drew beautiful pictures and wrote lovely, kind messages to our nursery class. Thank you Year 2!
Welcome to Nursery
We are delighted to welcome children and families to St Gilbert's Nursery. We hope you enjoy starting your school journey with us and look forward to getting to know the children and their families.
Nursery update
Monday 28th September - Closed
Tuesday-Friday morning 9-11 yellow, blue and orange group.
Tuesday - Friday Afternoons 1:10- 3:10 Green and red group
All groups start week commencing the 5th October Full time.
Drop off/ collection will be by surname.