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St Gilbert's R.C.

Primary School

Inspired by St. Gilbert, as God's family, we are growing strong in love and faith, becoming the best we can be.

Week 3 - 21 January (Longitude, Latitude and Equator)

The three main aims of the learning for today are that you:

  1. Understand what Longitude and Latitude are;
  2. Understand the how to read longitude and latitude on a map;
  3. Understand that where a place is on the lines of longitude and latitude affect the climate.


Please go to the BBC Bitesize page first, on the link below, watch the videos, read the information on the page and take the quiz at the end.

Then go through the slideshow about the longitude and latitude in the Americas.

Learning Task

Complete the Geographical Locations and Characteristics sheet using an Atlas or the internet or both.
(If you are not able to print the sheet, use the headings as prompts for you to write the answers in your book.)

Submit your completed work by email.

Lesson Presentation Location Location.mp4

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