Our Gospel Values
St Gilbert's RC Primary School is proud to be an authentic Christian school and to proclaim The Way of Jesus Christ.
Our mission statement is;
“Inspired by St. Gilbert, as God's family, we are growing strong in love and faith, becoming the best we can be”.
This mission statement is well known and used by all of our pupils, families, staff, governors and our local community. We are privileged to work closely with the Parish of St John Paul II and Fr Martin Collins.
Our Gospel Values reflect the ministries of the early Church, so to be authentically and distinctively Catholic we are called to show;
Fullness of Life
Our Gospel Values
Catholic Life of the School:
At St Gilbert’s our Core Gospel Values are deeply routed into all aspects of school life. Our Gospel values align with our, school rules, relationships and rewards, the British Values, all under the umbrella of our School Mission Statement ‘Inspired by St. Gilbert, as God’s family, we are growing strong in love and faith, becoming the best we can be’ whilst developing the whole person. Pope John Paul II stated that Gospel Values “…are a guarantee of peace and of collaboration among all citizens in the shared commitment to serving the common good.”
Our Gospel Values have been carefully and collaboratively crafted, during numerous meetings with the school Gift team, Staff, Our Governors and Fr Martin Collins. The children have been integral to the development of the chosen values by selecting Bible passages which they believe highlight the values and selecting the most relevant phrases from each. These are embedded further during whole school assemblies and class assemblies led by the Gift Team. The selected quotes are on display at the front of our hall and at the entrance of our school so all who visit can clearly see the values.
Our Gospel Values:
Bible story – The Lost Sheep
‘Always look for the lost sheep’ Matthew 18: 10-15
Bible story – The Unforgiving Servant
‘Forgive your brother from your heart.’ Matthew 18: 23-35
Bible story – Jesus Heals a Non-Jewish Girl.
‘Then the woman came again and said ‘LORD HELP ME.’’ Matthew 15: 21-28
Bible story – The Good Samaritan
‘Go and help one another, as the Good Samaritan did.’ Luke 10: 30-37
Bible story – Jesus Heals a Soldier’s Servant.
‘Have faith in the power of Jesus’ Matthew 8: 5-13
Fullness of Life
Bible story – The Woman who Mixes Yeast.
‘The Kingdom of Heaven is the yeast that makes the dough rise.’ Matthew 13:33