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St Gilbert's R.C.

Primary School

Inspired by St. Gilbert, as God's family, we are growing strong in love and faith, becoming the best we can be.


Summer 2

Week 1

We have had a lot of fun in our outside area this week!

Week 2

This week, we received an exciting delivery from Mr. Grinling! It was a basket filled with lots of things to help us learn more about lighthouses. One of the items was a message in a bottle which told us all about Grace Darling. Grace and her father, William, had saved nine people from a shipwreck and taken them back to their lighthouse to look after! We had a wonderful time learning more about lighthouses and Grace’s story. 

Week 3

Thank you to all of the family members that came to help us during sports day. Great fun was had by all!

Week 4

We have been conducting science experiments this week to see which objects float and which objects sink. We made a lot of mess but it was very fun! We were shocked that the orange floated!

Week 5

The whole school received a letter from Graham Grimm this week asking for our help (see more here). When we came back to the classroom, we found magical fairy dust on our carpet! We learnt more about fairies, created a magical fairy door using junk box materials, made magic potions and fairy wing bracelets. 

Summer 1

Week 1

This week we have started to learn about money. We learnt the names of the different English coins and explored the colours and shapes of each one. We practised some crayon rubbings and worked on paying for fruit using 1p coins. 

Week 2

We had a wonderful time at our Pray, Stay and Play session this week. Our families came to join us to spend some time thinking about Mary, our mother in heaven, before completing lots of Mary themed activities!

Week 3

This week, we took a trip to our local Lidl. We had a wonderful time picking the fruit we wanted, pushing the trolley and paying for our shopping. All of the children were very excited about using the fruit that we bought to make fruit kebabs later in the afternoon. Yum yum!

Week 4

Thank you to all of the parents and grandparents that came to celebrate the Queen’s Jubilee with us. We had a great time!

Spring 2

Week 1

Pancake Day
What a great start to the term! We began by celebrating Shrove Tuesday. We learnt about the origins of Shrove Tuesday and heard about how they celebrate this in different countries. We then used playdough to make pancakes (and flip them!), we used pancake toppings to complete some maths activities, we went to the pancake shop and practised using coins to pay for pancakes and we wrote about our favourite toppings. We also made pancakes from scratch by mixing milk, eggs and flour, pouring it on a plate, putting it in the microwave then once it was cooked, we added our own toppings. Yum yum!

Mix a Pancake

Still image for this video

Dentist Visit

The dentist visited us this week. He had a look at some of the Reception children’s teeth then he came into class to speak to us about brushing teeth, what happens at the dentist and to show us some of the tools he uses. We learnt that it is really important to brush our teeth in the morning and before bed at night for 2 minutes each time!

Poetry Week
The children were introduced to their poetry week theme of colour! We started the week by learning a few different colour poems and songs and enjoyed reciting them!

A Spectrum of Colours

Still image for this video

Mystery Readers
We had two special mystery readers this week!

Thank you to Jasmine’s mum for coming in as Winnie the Witch and reading Room on the Broom to us. We loved joining in with the different words in the story and loved your props!

Thank you to Sophie’s dad AKA Burglar Bill who brought in some fantastic props too. We were all engrossed by your retelling of the story!

World Book Day

We had so much fun sharing stories with our Y6 buddies!

Take a look at our fantastic costumes. Thank you to all of the grownups that helped to make these!!

Week 2

We loved our trip to The Lowry. We went to watch 'It's Hot, It's Not', a play about weather. We really enjoyed our coach trip there too. For some of the children, it was their first time going to the theatre!

Week 3

Another busy week in a Reception! This week, we had a great time exploring our Superhero theme through Supertato. We made our own Super Veggies using vegetables and other craft materials, we defeated the evil peas and put them back in the freezer, we made superhero cuffs, superhero stick puppets, we estimated how many tomatoes were in the jar to release them and we did some fun superhero writing!