Evolution and Inheritance
Evolution and Inheritance
During this term we will learn the following:
- how animals produce similar offspring
- how offspring vary
- recognise that living things change over time
- recognise that fossils provide information about living things that inhabited the Earth millions of years ago
- identify how animals and plants are adapted to suit their environment in different ways
- identify that adaptation may lead to evolution
More details of the learning can be found in the Knowledge Organiser below.
What should I know already? What should I remember from previous years?
In Year 2 - you learned:
- identify that most living things live in habitats that they are best suited
- describe how different habitats provide for different kinds of animals and plants
- describe how plants and animals depend on each other
In Year 3 - you learned:
- to describe how fossils are formed when things that have lived are trapped in rock
In Year 4 - you learned:
to recognise that environments can change and that this can sometimes pose dangers to living thing