Day 3 (Write Story)
Today we are going to write the story that we planned yesterday.
Don't forget to stick to the rules of the competition:
- no more than 500 words
- submitted on-line by 11.59pm on Friday 3rd July 2020
- one entrant per person
- not to include personal details of about you
- will be judged on: originality, plot, characterisation, language, enjoyment
This is the advice from the 500 words website:
Your words have the power to change you and the world around you. People can make a change based on their actions – you’ll already have encountered examples of this.
We want you to use your imagination and draw on your own thoughts and experiences when it comes to Black Lives Matter and some of the changes we are seeing in 2020. Then, write a creative short story in no more than 500 words.
Remember, it’s the way you tell your story that makes or breaks it. Over ten years, we’ve read all kinds of stories from magic beans to war and conflict.
The descriptions, the adjectives and the imagery that you use shape your story. Still, you only have 500 words! That means that while you’re writing, you need to make your key moments stand out with similes and metaphors, without taking away from the plot. Your story might be hopeful, inspiring, fun or angry. Have fun making your characters come to life!
You might start, and restart, and come up with many ideas that you whittle down to one…this is all part of the fun!
Lastly, don’t enter to win…enter because you want your voice to be heard and enjoy storytelling in a way only you can. Everything can give you a creative spark that fires a story. Be unafraid and see where your ideas take you!
What everybody wants to read is an amazing story. Good luck!
Ideas For Children Of All Ages To Think About
- What role models do you have – can you explore their background? You could unlock your imagination through creating your ideal role model or superhero who fights for justice. This is your story and you and your characters can be anything you want them to be.
- You could create a fantasy land very different to our own. Got a dream for yourself, your friends, family and communities? Now’s the time to put that dream into words!
- How have you seen the world change, and how has your community got involved?
- Did you know that people of colour represent over 80% of the world’s population, so some people think the term people of the global majority (PGM) is better descriptive language when describing this group? This shows the importance of empowering people by using language that reflects reality.
- Think about challenges at this moment in time and emotive language.
…There are many ways to engage with this!
Good luck!