Oh We Do Like to be Beside the Seaside!
Our topic this half term is all about the summer and holidays. We have already had such a busy start including lots of opportunities for physical development including a skipping workshop and sports day. In maths we have been learning about capacity and the children enjoyed making their own milkshakes as part of this. We hope you have fun looking through our pictures.
Sunshine and All Things Pirates!
This half term we have welcomed the beautiful sunshine and brighter days and have enjoyed learning outdoors. Our theme has been pirates and the children have thoroughly enjoyed dressing up, playing in our role play pirate ship, making pirate crafts, listening to pirate stories, singing pirate songs, counting pirate treasure and gold coins just to name a few things!
Pray, Stay and Play
The children had a wonderful time showing their grown ups around nursery and completing various religion based activities with them. Thanks to everyone who was able to attend.
W/B 28.03.22
This week the children have begun preparing for our Easter Assembly, we are telling the story of Palm Sunday with the reception children. They have been cutting out palm leaves to wave. We have also been sorting and classifying mini beasts that have legs or no legs. Our focus in maths has been representations of number and we have been using the ten frames to help with this. Our sound of the week is ‘u’ and the video is saved in the resource centre.
Fun In the Sun
We have had such a wonderful week in nursery and have really enjoyed being outside in the warmer weather. We have welcomed our new school pet fish, planted sunflowers and taken a trip to the poly tunnel to water them, looked for mini beasts, made our very own snail pictures using the artist Matisse as our inspiration and painted ladybirds. Our focus in maths has been to make representations of numbers and in our religion work, we have been thinking about our love growing for God.
Down At The Bottom of The Garden…….
This is the title of our topic for this half term. Over the coming weeks, the children will be learning about mini beasts and their habitats, life cycles, planting and growing. They have already been really busy doing observational drawings of flowers and painting them using watercolours, making play dough caterpillars, carrying out a science experiment to change the colours of petals and naming parts of a plant/flower. It has also been lovely to finally enjoy some time outside in the sunshine!
Shrove Tuesday and Ash Wednesday
This week the children have been learning about the importance of Shrove Tuesday and Ash Wednesday. On Tuesday they enjoyed eating pancakes with yummy toppings at snack time and on Wednesday the Gift team brought ashes back from Church and made the sign of the cross on the children’s foreheads with them.
Reading/Poetry Week
What a fun filled wonderful weekend it has been! The children have enjoyed listening to rhyming stories such as Superworm and have loved singing nursery rhymes such as Row, Row, the Boat, Incy Wincy Spider and There’s a worm at the bottom of the Garden. They have taken part in different crafting activities and not forgetting our amazing dressing up day! A huge well done to all of the children that took part in our book competition, it was lovely to hear about their favourite stories. A special well done is given to our golden ticket winner Davin, you had prepared your presentation so well, asked the children lots of questions and praised them when they got them right…..I think you would be an excellent teacher when you are older!
NSPCC Number Day
The children looked great in their number themed clothes today, thank you to you all for supporting this event. We did lots of counting rhymes today, made some number kites and played some number games in small groups. The children enjoyed rolling the dice and learning to take turns in a group activity.
Lunar New Year Celebrations
What an amazing day we have had! The children looked amazing in their costumes and red clothes. We started the day watching some dragon dancing and then engaged in lots of activities such as an animal race, scooping and pouring rice to make our own Chinese food, making lanterns, creating dragon masks, tasting noodles, rice and prawn crackers and some dragon dancing. It was a fun filled day and we hope the children tell you lots about it at home.
Dragon Dancing

We have had so much fun learning to measure. We have looked at different measuring equipment and also non standard measures such as pencils and straws. The children took their learning outdoors and measured a stegosaurus, we couldn’t believe that it was so big that we could all fit inside its body!
Dinosaurs are Roarsome!
This half term our topic is Dinosaurs. We have already had a really busy start to this half term with the children sharing what they already know about dinosaurs whilst learning lots of new and interesting facts. We have been learning about what dinosaurs liked to eat and that if they ate meat they were called a carnivore and if they ate plants they were called a herbivore. The children have had fun taking part in lots of sorting activities, decorating dinosaur biscuits, breaking into blocks ice to discover hidden dinosaur eggs, making paper plate dinosaurs, counting groups of dinosaurs and so much more. We hope you enjoy looking at our slide show of our learning so far.
Reading, Writing and Maths Stars!
Congratulations to this terms stars for winning the certificate and medal….keep up all your hard work!
The Nativity
We hope you enjoyed watching our Nativity. I am sure you will agree that the children were all amazing, we were extremely proud of them. Here are a couple of pics from the show…..

Christmas Party!
The children had a wonderful time partying the day away! They played lots of games, danced and filled themselves up with yummy snacks.
Week beginning 29.11.21
Christmas came to nursery this week and the children were so excited! They have been trying really hard to listen and follow instructions whilst practising for our Christmas Nativity. Hopefully they have been coming home singing some of the songs that they have been learning! Our sound of the week is ‘a’, please visit the video resource centre on this web page to view it. The song to practise this week is Twinkle Twinkle Little Star as it features in our Nativity.
Week beginning 22.11.21
This week the children have been working really hard to learn our new sound and have enjoyed learning to write it in a variety of ways. In maths, our focus has been capacity, we have been learning about what a container is and making predictions about how much each container can hold.....we even enjoyed a little drink of black currant juice when we had finished counting how many cups we could fill from one bottle! The children also explored filling containers with orange and lemon juice that they made in the tuff tray.
In religion, we have been thinking about being welcomed into God’s family and we have talked about being Baptised and what that means.
Read, Write, Inc sound of the week - m
This week we have started our phonics scheme and our focus sound is ‘m’. Please follow this link to find out more information about how the sound is pronounced and how we teach it to the children
Mr Stix
Mr Stix and his assistant Peanut came to visit the nursery and reception children this week whilst the rest of the school were at the pantomime. He wowed them with his magic tricks, balloon animals and they had great fun joining in with the singing and dancing. I am sure they have told you all about it!



Anti Bullying Week, Road Safety Awareness, Children in Need and much more......
What an extremely busy week it has been in nursery! The children started off the week by coming to school wearing odd socks to raise awareness around being different and that it is perfectly fine for everyone to be different to others. Throughout the week they have been learning about road safety and the job of a lolly pop person, the children acted out some safety awareness in our outdoor area and really enjoyed making their own lolly pop sticks. They have been practising their painting and mark making skills by painting pictures of policemen and in numeracy have been learning new words and phrases all about positional language. We ended the week supporting Children in Need, the children’s crazy hair was amazing and they all had great fun decorating Pudsey Bear biscuits.
This week we have been focusing on Remembrance Day and what it means. The children made some gorgeous poppies that they were very proud to wear and also were excellently behaved at our whole school flag pole ceremony on Thursday. They have also learnt a poppy song that they will be bringing home this weekend to sing for you. In our religion work we have been learning about Jesus being a good friend and talked about ways that we can be a good friend too. The children made some friendship pictures of themselves and their friend holding hands. They have have also enjoyed dressing up and taking on the role of fire fighters, doctors and nurses. In maths we have been looking at the total amount of groups of objects and checking to see what numbers the children can recognise independently. Today we finished the week with an unexpected surprise from a local balloon shop who donated a balloon arch to us for the children to have and play with the balloons, we hope you enjoy the video of them having lots of fun throwing, catching and kicking the balloons!

People Who Help Us
Our new topic is learning about all the different people who can help us. We started off this week by thinking about those that can help us in an emergency. The children have enjoyed learning the ‘5 Tall Policemen’ counting song. They have also been dressing up and have taken on role play as their character. We have also been thinking about Bonfire night and fireworks and have done lots of creative activities about this. In number time, we have been looking at different representations of numbers 1-5.
Black History Month
Across the school, all the children have been celebrating Black History Month by learning about an inspirational black person. The nursery children were introduced to the fascinating life of Ella Fitzgerald. They listened to a story all about her dreams as a young child to become a singer, they then listened to some of her songs and music which they enjoyed dancing along to and then made their own musical instrument.


A welcome visit from year 2.
Year 2 have been very busy making some beautiful cards for the nursery children to welcome them to St Gilbert’s. They hand delivered them and spent some time talking to the children about what they like to do at school. Several parents commented on what a lovely gesture this was, thank you so much year 2!
The Very Selfish Crocodile.
This week we have been reading the story all about a crocodile who was not very kind to his friends, but when he had a very bad toothache all of his friends came to the rescue! The children have been really busy learning about how to care for their teeth and what foods are healthy and unhealthy. In maths we have been counting crocodile teeth and matching groups of teeth to the correct numeral. The children have been very creative and made their own crocodile masks.
Pumpkins and much more.......
The children have really enjoyed some pumpkin play this week, they have used their senses to explore the smell and textures. Mrs Mosley has been busy making ghost biscuits with the children practising their rolling skills using icing. They have also done finger painted pumpkins and collage ghosts.
Brown Bear, Brown Bear What Do You See?
Last week our learning focussed around this popular children’s story and provided us with the perfect opportunity to do lots of exploration of colour. We played many games which encouraged colour recognition, sorting objects according to colour, identifying colours within our school environment and much more. The children also enjoyed learning about autumnal colours and made some beautiful prints of trees using pom poms attached to pegs. They also made some wonderful hedgehogs using air drying clay and sticks that they had collected from our outdoor area. Another very busy week for the children!
The Tiger Who Came to Tea - Week 2
The children have enjoyed continuing to learn about this book again this week. We have focused on healthy eating and looking what healthy and unhealthy foods and had great fun making healthy food faces. We have also learnt that a tiger belongs to the cat family and we looked at what other animals are in this family too. We hope you enjoy looking at the photos of our learning this week, there is also some from last week too!
The Tiger Who Came to Tea - Week 1
This week we have started a mini topic based around the fantastic story The Tiger Who Came to Tea. The topic will run for two weeks and already the children have relished taking part in lots of varied learning experiences. In maths we have been using food as a stimulus for counting and identifying numbers to represent a group of objects. In literacy and communication and language, we have been reading the story encouraging the children to join in with familiar parts, talking about the characters, answering simple ‘who’ questions and sequencing key events. Using the play dough, the children have been making food for the tiger such as beans and sausage and have also made their own tigers adding pipe cleaners and google eyes. They have really enjoyed retelling the story using small world figures and having a tea party for the tiger. They also made some amazing paper plate tiger masks and collage tiger pictures. To end the week, the children decorated biscuits and made them stripy just like the tiger from the story. We hope you enjoy looking at all the photos of the children busy learning, if you don’t see your child on this slideshow then please visit the website on Monday when we will be uploading more pictures.
Welcome to the nursery class page!
Firstly we would like to say that it has been lovely getting to know you and your children over the past couple of weeks and we are really looking forward to an exciting year ahead. We have compiled a selection of photographs to show you what the children have been doing during the short time that they have been with us. We hope you enjoy looking at them and using them as a stimulus to talk to your children about their time in nursery so far.